Evoke feature "Bride's wedding day dilemma inspires innovative ear accessory"

Evoke feature "Bride's wedding day dilemma inspires innovative ear accessory"

I was thrilled to speak to journalist Sinead Dalton about the story behind my first product LobeLifts. In this Evoke.ie article , I told Dalton about how on my  wedding day I was inspired to create something for lovers of big earrings. After working for several years as a buyer for Dunnes Stores, I spotted a niche in the market and have been building ItsBeautyCheats ever since.
LobeLifts is an item that was born out of necessity. I wanted big statement earrings for the wedding but wearing them around the house before the wedding for only half an hour, my ears were so sore because they were so heavy. That is when I started developing the product. They are like a sports bra for your ears! They are patches that stick to the back of your earlobes that help hold up the earrings allowing you more comfort. LobeLifts are €12.95 for a pack of 24 pairs. 
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